The Hoiping Index is the third in a series of texts to be published on the four districts of Kwangtung which have contributed the majority of Chinese emigrants to the United States.
Hoiping District
Prior to World War II, Hoiping District was divided into ten areas and more than one hundred smaller jurisdictional units called heungs. After the end of the War, these areas were consolidated into four areas, each of which was composed of about fifteen heungs. In addition, there were four independent townships: Chong Shing, Chek Hom, Cheung Sha, Shui How. In 1956 Hoiping District was again reapportioned and at present comprises forty-seven heungs and six townships.
The divisions used in this Index are those existing in the postwar period upto 1956. For reference, the current names of heungs and townships in Hoiping District are contained in The Annex beginning on page 114.
The villages in Hoiping District are listed in the Index according to the heung in which they are situated. Each section of the Index contains the name of the heung, the number of the area in which it is located, the name of the principal market(s), and a list of the villages together with the names of the clans. These sections can be located by means of the Table of Contents beginning on page 1. In addition, each section shows the map co-ordinates of the heung. These co-ordinates are keyed to the map of Hoiping District following page VI. This map is itself keyed to the grid co-ordinates of the U.S. Army Map Services Series governing Kwangtung Province.
The system of romanization of place names and surnames used in this Index is that employed by the Hong Kong Police Force. Character 6223 for example, which can be variously romanized as TAM, TOM, HOM, has been standardized as TAM.
The Index as it now stands represents all the Hoiping village information contained in the Consulate General files. This information is being continually expanded and from time to time amendments and additions will be forwarded to holders of this text.
Acknowledgement is made to the staff of the Research Sub-Unit who aided in the gathering and evaluation of village data and to the Immigration and Naturalization Service and to the General Service Office who contributed the funds for publication.
Hong Kong
May 14, 1965